My goals in this artwork was to get the proportions right on the box. I accomplished them by holding a stick up to the box and bringing it down to my paper to get the angles right. What surprised me the most about my experience doing this drawing was how hard it is to get proportions right. The most difficult challenge I had to face was proportions and the chopsticks. I met that challenge by erasing and fixing my drawing many times. I experienced the shift to the right brain artistic thinking when I made the lines very distinct and made it look cartoon-ish. My drawing really works in the long, dark shadow. Some things I have learned that I can bring to my next drawing is that the object doesn't have to take up the hold page because you can put in your big shadow. Another artist in the class I learned something from is Misha. If I had a do-over I would fix the background because it is streaky and has fingerprints on it.What I feel is the best about my drawing is the box.
fantastic perspective on the carton